
Been here a while ...

Right, I've had this blog-thing since April 2007 or so and have only made one substantive post. Disgraceful, I know.

Anyhow, it's now 2009 and while it is NOT one of my resolutions to start posting here more, I'm going to start posting here more. Let's give it 90 days and see if I can form the habit.

Resolutions I do have: learn Dari, exercise five days a week, go to sleep and wake up early. Everyone who knows me will know that the last may be the most difficult for me ... the going to bed early part. That only happens these days when I'm exhausted. And when I don't get on Skype.

Like now. I got a Skype at ten after 11 from Nicaragua and have been talking for the last 45 minutes. Oh the perils of living halfway around the world from friends and family.

Tomorrow: get up early, get on the treadmill, eat breakfast, get a haircut (?), buy groceries, buy a camera, post here about what I've been doing for the last six months. Ha!

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